Hello Troop 247!
I hope you’re excited for our year ahead. Before we get too far ahead in our new Scouting year, what are your goals for yourself in Troop 247? If you weren’t able to attend our first Troop meeting of the year I would like you to set some goals for yourself. Take a look at your advancement for your next rank. Set some goals of when you would like to finish each of the requirements. Besides advancement, what would you like to do in Troop 247? Do you want to try out a new leadership role in the Troop? Do you want to ask a friend to join the Troop? Take some time to write down your ideas and turn them into me at your next Troop meeting. We will review those goals at your next Scoutmaster Conference.
Until we meet again, may the Great Scoutmaster of All Scouts be with you.
Scott Fricke – Scoutmaster
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